Friday, September 04, 2009

Evolutionary and Revolutionary innovation

Evolutionary and Revolutionary innovation

As the aforesaid statement indicates 2 types of innovation.

  1. Evolutionary way
  2. Revolutionary way

An evolutionary upgrade to a product is when there is a minimal change and learning curve to move from the older version to the new version. If you have a version of the software in the following format aaa.bbb.ccc, then 'aaa' is called the major revision number and the other 2 are minor version numbers. Now assume that the current version number is 10.2.3. If the next version increases to 10.2.4 or sometimes maybe 10.3.3, then the progress is evolutionary. This new version of the product is easier to upgrade to and also easy to use.

Whereas a version number like 11.2.4 or maybe 10.3.3 may indicate a revolutionary version. This version is typically an overhaul of the entire system. For E.g: Office 2007 is a radical departure from Office 2003. I just got to see it today. And it rocks !!!

A small detour now.

A prototype is a model of a system. It may partly or fully depict the system. There are 2 types of prototypes:

  1. Evolutionary
  2. Throwaway

Evolutionary prototypes evolve with time.

Throwaway prototypes are used only once and then thrown away, like many types of bags. Many times a throwaway prototype can be compared with throwaway innovation.

You may be thinking as to why did I take you through a detour. The answer is simple. A prototype is a type of innovation - hence the relation.

To tell you the truth what matters in the end is what the customer gets. If its beneficial truly for the end user then it will succeed, have no doubts about that.



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