Tuesday, June 08, 2010

The Ancient Mariner

If you read the poem 'The Ancient Mariner' by S.T. Coleridge, then you would be amazed at the paradox of life. In this poem, there is a young sailor who shoots an albatross while at sail. This is a bad omen among the sailor folks. And natures wrath devours everyone except this sailor who had committed the mistake. He lives to tell the tale.

So what is the premise behind these happenings. Take software for example. It's a boon as well as a bane. Todays software is so easy to operate and use (user friendly) compared to their siblings a few years ago. At the same time the number of layers and a plethora of software talking to each other has increased. This dampens reliability. Again a paradox.

The best paradox containment in nature is portrayed by Heisenberg's uncertainity principle. Thus, if we know the position of a particle accurately, we will not know it's momentum and vice versa. Applying it to human nature, we cannot be both happy and sad at the same time. However the time taken to switch between the two modes will vary from individual to individual.

The deeper you get into a subject, the lesser you know that there is so much to know. In short before we come to an unsolvable equation like Fermat's last theorem, we need to know when to stop. Problem solving is always with respect to a view. And a view is a partial truth. It's like the soul and the supersoul. You can know the soul and by knowing that in truth, you will know the supersoul also.

Maybe one day …

For sure


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